There are some areas though that we continue to struggle with. Stock in particular has been very hard for us to predict and to get right. On one hand, being sold out of stock is a positive problem to have but it’s also a really frustrating one. While our community has been very supportive and patient waiting for new stock, we can’t help but feel very disappointed that we have to ask people to wait a few weeks for a hoodie to be back in stock. It’s difficult to get right because we need to be thinking ~8 weeks ahead of time and stock too is a large cost for us so trying to balance this all is tough. We have a small order of hoodies and tshirts arriving soon which will hopefully tie us over until a large stock order arrives in July. Once this larger shipment arrives it should take the pressure off us and we can do a better job predicting future orders!
Building on this need to better predict stock, we also feel we can do a better job on planning ahead in all areas of Gym+Coffee. Being honest at the moment we’re only on top of the next 2 weeks!! Things are moving so fast that anything beyond this falls into the “we’ll figure it out then” bucket! While this is a usual feeling for new companies, and it is exciting, it’s also on that line between excitement and panic making it hard to maintain this. So we’ve given ourselves a challenge that by the end of the summer we will have finalised a concrete, detailed plan of action for Gym+Coffee. This will include details on new products, marketing campaigns, a plan to expand internationally, a new website and a better system for managing our stock. There’s a big few months ahead for us and we’re excited to get stuck into things even more.
This is all new for us and we’re certainly open to hear any advice, ideas, expertise from anybody. If you have any suggestions then please do email us at hello@gympluscoffee.com . We’d be delighted to hear from you!