The vast majority of our carbon footprint, not surprisingly, comes from our apparel. We took a two-tiered approach to get a full picture of the life cycle of our clothing:

  1. A level assessment of our entire apparel footprint
  2. A detailed assessment of our three core hoodie products

Each product assessment uses the Greenhouse Gas Protocol Product Life Cycle Accounting and Reporting Standard to calculate any emissions and follows a 5-stage, cradle-to-grave LCA journey evaluating + defining material acquisition, production, product distribution, storage, use and end-of-life. Secondary research into life cycle assessment of the industry, Ecoinvent database + UK government carbon conversion factors are used to get a full picture.

Mandatory reporting within the SECR only covers Scope 1 + 2 emissions, with limited Scope 3 emissions required to be included.

We want to look at the whole picture though so we’ve collected, included + reported on everything we feel we have responsibility towards, including:

  1. Direct emissions from our own sources, or any sources directly under our control;
  2. Indirect emissions from the generation of purchased energy;
  3. Other indirect emissions from across our value chain including upstream & downstream emissions.

Gym+Coffee Hoodie Journey Life CycleGym+Coffee Hoodie Life Cyclegym+coffee life cycle hoodie

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Base Skort in Black - Shorts - Gym+Coffee IE
In Motion Jogger in Black - Joggers - Gym+Coffee IE
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The Oversized Crew in Ashwood - Sweatshirts - Gym+Coffee IE
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Aurora Bra in Jet Black - Bras - Gym+Coffee IE
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